charlotte duckworth studio

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Project Spotlight:

I’m so happy to be sharing with you my last web design project of 2023. As you’ll know if you read my previous post, I have only done a handful of website designs this year as I’ve had so many of my own writing deadlines to content with, but I absolutely loved doing this project and it’s got me very excited about 2024 and all the shiny new projects I have booked in!

Right, let’s take a look shall we?

The Brief

Marion Todd is a celebrated Scottish crime writer, author of eight books in the DI Clare Mackay series. Marion had an existing website on Wix, which she had built herself but was becoming increasingly frustrated with. She was aware that the design didn’t look as professional as she wanted, and also found it difficult to update.

Luckily, Marion had no qualms about moving over to Squarespace, and the transfer of her domain name went through without a hitch.

Marion was incredibly comprehensive when it came to sharing her design preferences, which made my job so much easier.

She knew she didn’t want any long scrolling pages, and also she wanted a neutral background to show off her array of book covers, all of which feature different colours.

So, we went with bold and bright! Marion wanted a dark background to make sure the covers ‘popped’ off the page, and were the focus of the attention, but we added splashes of colour having her name in a multicolour gradient, and using bright red and orange for accents.

Fonts-wise, we kept things clean and contemporary, and in keeping with the covers of her books again.

The most fun part of this project without a doubt was the creation of the ‘Benjy Behaviour Generator’.

Marion’s books feature a mischievous dog called Benjy, and Marion wanted to add a button which would generate a random naughty activity that Benjy had done each time you clicked it!

You can try out the Benjy Behaviour Generator here

Obviously this isn’t functionality that Squarespace comes with, so I used code to add this unique, fun feature, that I know her fans are going to really appreciate 😊

The Details

Web design package: Custom web design

Version: Squarespace 7.1

Fonts used: Helvetica Neue, Verdana

View the site here:

Marion’s Verdict

The Post-launch Q&A

Before working with Charlotte Duckworth Studio, when it came to my website I felt …

Frustrated at not being able to make my site look the way I imagined it.

What fears or hesitations did you have before deciding to work with Charlotte Duckworth Studio?

I had heard great things about Charlotte so wasn't worried. I was more concerned that I wouldn't be able to communicate effectively what I hoped for. But I needn't have worried. Charlotte's pre-design process is so thorough that my website exceeded my expectations.

How do you expect your new site to change things for you?

Straight away I feel my online image is more professional and slick. Hopefully the website will improve my visibility online.

For someone on the fence about working with Charlotte Duckworth Studio, what would you say to them?

Charlotte's approach combines friendliness with a high level of professionalism which is ideal for anyone nervous about committing to a new website. She has an eye for design and a genuine desire to meet her clients needs which results in truly stunning work. She feeds back regularly through the process and she really did go over and above to make my website everything I'd hoped for - and more. Once built, we had an online webchat where she demonstrated how the site worked. The chat was recorded so I can consult it any time I like. It's been a wonderful experience. I cannot recommend Charlotte highly enough.

How do you feel about your completed website?

I absolutely LOVE it! I'm so proud of it. Charlotte has done an incredible job.

Is there anything you were really hoping would be included in your website design package?

I have EVERYTHING I wanted - I really did want the 'Benjy' page to work and Charlotte went to lots of trouble to make it a fun experience for the website visitor.

Is there anything you feel could have been done to improve your experience?

Honestly, I have everything I could possibly have wanted. It's been a fabulous experience.

Would you recommend Charlotte Duckworth Studio to a friend who also needed to build an author website?


Want help with your author website? Discover my three different services for authors here

See this gallery in the original post