…to all my secrets on life as a published author
(I’m 7 traditionally published books in and I’ve learnt some stuff 😉)
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(includes info on how I landed one of those mythical six-figure book deals!)
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Life as an assistant editor - interview with Sophie Dawson
I’m really excited about today’s interview! Sophie Dawson is an Assistant Editor at publisher Head of Zeus. She also recently worked on my second Charlotte Rixon novel, which is coming out later this year, and she’s been a real joy to work with! So I’m thrilled that she agreed to answer a few questions about her work.
Life as a book publicist – interview with Ana McLaughlin
Ironically, I’m not sure that book publicists (or PRs) get enough publicity for the very important job they do getting books on readers’ radars! So I’m super happy today to have an interview with Ana McLaughlin to share with you. She has worked in book PR since 2001. She’s also a published author herself and has a wealth of experience to share about this very important part of the sales-marketing-publicity triangle…
What’s it really like being published by a small publisher?
I’m excited to have another interview for you today, with thriller author Emma Christie. I have known Emma for a while now, as we share the same agent, and I thought it would be interesting to talk to her about her experience of being published by a small publisher, as this is something authors often have questions about.
Top tips from expert fiction editor Rebecca Millar
As an author, I am in awe of editors! They contribute so much to the publishing process, and I know for sure that my books wouldn’t be half as good if it weren’t for the vigorous editing they were put through by some very talented editors. However, as editors are largely ‘behind the scenes’, we don’t hear that much about them. So I thought it might be nice to pin one down to find out a little bit more about how they work! I’m delighted to be sharing this interview with Rebecca Millar, a hugely experienced freelance fiction editor, to find out more about how she works with both established and aspiring authors.
✨ 30 things I’ve learnt from 5 years being published ✨
September 6 2023 marked 5 years since my first book was released 😲
To celebrate, I shared a new post about what I’ve learnt from being published EVERY DAY throughout the month.
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Blogging for Authors
- a Beginner’s Guide
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