…to all my secrets on life as a published author
(I’m 7 traditionally published books in and I’ve learnt some stuff 😉)
I blog weekly about author websites, newsletters and life as a writer…
New posts published every Monday 😊
Want to learn more about me and my own publishing journey first?
(includes info on how I landed one of those mythical six-figure book deals!)
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30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 10 – the best marketing you can do for your book is write a new one
I believe it was novelist Tracy Buchanan who first told me that the best marketing you can do for your book is to write another one. It really opened my eyes and made me reconsider the hours I spent on social media, desperately trying to break through the noise and drum up some kind of interest in my book.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 9 – publication day is nuts
It’s been five years since my debut novel came out, and I honestly couldn’t remember what I did on the actual day. It’s a whirlwind, a total blur. And so I just went and looked on my phone memories and realised that on my publication day my then three-year-old daughter, my partner and I planted a tree that he had bought me as a celebration present.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 8 – First drafts get harder - but editing gets easier
I thought it might be a good idea to get a bit more technical in today’s post and talk about something to do with the actual writing for a change.
So here’s a revelation I didn’t expect when I started on my one-book-per-year journey: THE FIRST DRAFT GETS HARDER.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 7 – being on submission never gets any easier
You may have been on submission to publishers yourself, in which case I’d suggest skipping this post unless you want to be reminded of the absolute pain and agony of that hideous process.
If not, then stay tuned…
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 6 – the writing is the best bit
Following on from my previous post about how writing ruins reading, I thought it might be time for a more positive realisation, before I put any readers here off writing for good.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 5 – writing ruins reading
I am having a lot of fun writing this series of things I have learnt since being published. It’s like all the Thoughts and Feelings I’ve been harbouring over the past five years are finally able to spill out of me.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 4 – editors are overworked
OK so hands up who thought that editors sat around reading books all day and occasionally marking up manuscripts with a red pen?
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 3 – A loyal agent is better than a hotshot agent
With each day that I blog, I’m getting increasingly nervous that I’m going to get cancelled but hey, these are my truths and my lived experiences and this is my blog and so I’m GOING TO BLOW THIS SHIT UP! Ahem, share.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 2 – The size of your advance matters
The one thing we all dream of as an aspiring author is the day our agent calls us to tell us that we’ve received an offer from a publisher.
30 things I've learnt from 5 years being published: no 1 – the author community is incredible
Welcome to my new blogging series! I’ve been thinking for a while about a way I could celebrate my FIVE YEAR anniversary of being a published author, and I figured what might be useful/interesting would be to share 30 things I’ve learnt throughout September - one per day.
✨ 30 things I’ve learnt from 5 years being published ✨
September 6 2023 marked 5 years since my first book was released 😲
To celebrate, I shared a new post about what I’ve learnt from being published EVERY DAY throughout the month.
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Essential Guide to SEO for Authors
17 page guide
The Debut Author’s Survival Guide
30 page ebook
Author Website Content Guide
14 page guide
Author Newsletters
- a Beginner’s Guide
30 minute video
Blogging for Authors
- a Beginner’s Guide
18 minute video